Today passed super quickly!
YT aka zhulian come back from obs le.
kitty was so happy he almost cried. (jkjk :P)
Went to kitty house this afternoon.
Met up with Alvin & we took mrt to kitty house.
We were sitting downstairs his house waiting for them to arrive(which took freaking long),
there were some chueng cheng ppl playing volleyball there o.O
Alvin & I were like looking at this girl & our conversation started turning dirty LOL ;X
Watched "Meet Dave".
Wasn't as humourous as expected. Rating 4/10 in my opinion.
Went kitty's room to use his laptop.
Wan,Don&Alvin were watching some sick korean movie which is almost as if its porn and they were laughing their ass off.
the 2nd half of the movie was boring so they switched to "Harold & Kumar".
ive watched it for like 4 times & its never fails to make me laugh (:
then went home at 6,ate dinner & watched tv.
thats all for today folks,
Stay tuned!