School was awesome. Reason? Because there were like 5 free periods ^^ Loving the weather in the past few days. *Cooling Had light lunch with ZL,YQ & YT at some mama shop near YQ house. And now, im going for my dinner. HAHAHA (Have not caught Harry Potter & the Half-blood prince yet!!) Hope to organise outing with the clique soon. Will update y'all again soon!
School was awesome. Reason? Because there were like 5 free periods ^^ Loving the weather in the past few days. *Cooling Had light lunch with ZL,YQ & YT at some mama shop near YQ house. And now, im going for my dinner. HAHAHA (Have not caught Harry Potter & the Half-blood prince yet!!) Hope to organise outing with the clique soon. Will update y'all again soon!
Brandon SeetQuan Hong
18th December 1993
Orchid Park Seconday bolditalicunderlinestrikeout